
Idaho Laws Protect Intellectual Property

We were recently asked what Idaho laws protect intellectual property rights. Here's a summary of some Idaho statutes and common law protecting your valuable intellectual assets.

Note that IP protection is often a matter of federal law. You may find links to resources about some of the relevant federal IP laws at this Tech-Lawyer blog post. Domain names, an important adjunct to trademarks as indicia of brand, are protected under the federal anti-cybersquatting statute, under World Trade Organization regimes, and otherwise.

For reference in using the summary below, you may find a table of contents for and links to Idaho statutes may be found here.

Some of the Idaho statutes protecting IP include the Communications Security Act (I.C. § 18-6701 et seq.), the Computer Crime Act (I.C. §§ 2201-02) (new statute providing felony prosecution), and many of the statutes found in Title 48 dealing with Monopolies and Trade Practices.

As to Title 48, some of the applicable statutes include Idaho’s Trademark Act (I.C. § 48-501, et seq.), portions of Idaho’s Consumer Protection Act (see particularly I.C. § 48-603), and Idaho’s Trade Secrets Act (I.C. § 48-801, et seq.).

In 2008, Idaho increased IP and related competitive protections regarding former employees and key independent contractors and enacted I.C. § 44-2701, et seq. covering Agreements and Covenants Protecting Legitimate Business Interests.

Further, if parties cooperate in the theft or misappropriation of IP rights or related information, then claims under racketeering and conspiracy statutes may also be available. See, e.g., I.C. § 18-7805.

In addition to statutory protections, common law protects against breaches of the duty of loyalty by directors and offices and against infringement of unregistered trademarks, for example.

For more information, please contact me at:

Emile Loza, JD, MBA, CLP
Managing Partner & Founder
E. eloza@TechnologyLawGroup.com
P. 208.939.4472
LinkedIn. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/emile/loza


Loza Featured as IWJ's Spotlight Woman

I am honored to be featured as the Idaho Women's Journal's Spotlight Woman in its December 2008-January 2009 issue. See the cover and read the article at Pages 8-9.

In conjunction with this feature, I also spoke at IWJ's "6 Degrees of Collaboration" business networking event in Boise, Idaho on December 10th.

Spotlight Woman is a regular feature of the Idaho Women's Journal. The column highlights "woman who deserves a spotlight, that unique person who demonstrates a level of discipline, service, courage, or creativity that encourages us to higher aspirations."

If you are a woman entrepreneur or like doing business with one, please contact us at Technology Law Group at 208.939.4472 or info@technologylawgroup.com.