
Licensing Software in Global Markets

Online distribution and other globalizing factors make software licensing one of the most intricate and interesting types of intellectual property transactions.

I presented on International Software Licensing in San Francisco by invitation at the American Conference Institute's 14th Annual Software Licensing Conference.

Among other topics, my presentation illustrates the vital importance of strategic intelligence in controlling intellectual property rights flow in international software licensing deals.

I also discuss ways to harmonize licensing contract terms across multiple jurisdictions. These harmonized terms increase the efficiency and effectiveness of reducing legal risk and avoiding conflicts and litigation in international software licensing transactions.

Finally, I highlight the legal and business significance of some 2400-plus dual taxation treaties governing international intellectual property licensing. Among those considerations are the appropriate management of exposure to foreign taxing jurisdictions and the repatriation of maximized net royalty incomes to the licensor's home jurisdiction.

To view my presentation, click here.

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Neither this posting nor the referenced presentation provide legal or tax advice. NOTE: The Google Docs publication application resulted in formatting changes not in the original PPT file.