
Online Piracy and Payment Providers

In our recent client projects and in discussions on LinkedIn, we have examined the comparative strengths and weaknesses of online payment providers. Our particular emphasis has been on the detection and prevention of software piracy and fraud.

PayPal, Google Checkout, and Authorize.net are three commonly used online payment processing systems.

Fraudulent transactions are often a problem with online sale and distribution of software and online content. For example, the fraudulent operators may phish PayPal accounts, placed orders using those phished accounts, obtained license keys to the software, and downloaded the software, likely for illegal resale. In some instances, the purchases were geotracked to eastern Europe, in others to various locations here in the United States.

There are a number of technological and legal approaches to dealing with online piracy, including cross-border piracy. There are services that help detect and combat fraud and phishing, such as those offered by Kount and MarkMonitor.

For more information, please contact us at info@technologylawgroup.com or 208.939.4472.