These publications benefit technology companies, general business and commercial lawyers, and policymakers.
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I provide the titles to most of my publications below. For more information, please contact me at
My publications uploaded to SSRN are:
Professional Journal Articles:
- MySpace v. Wallace: The CAN-SPAM Act Applied Within the MySpace Community, 25 Computer & Internet Lawyer 21 (June 2008) (MySpace litigation under the federal CAN-SPAM Act against phishing, ‘bot, and other online conduct), and
- MySpace Internal Messaging Inboxes Are E-Mail Addresses under CAN-SPAM Act, in American Bar Association, Annual Review of Intellectual Property Law Developments 2006-2008, 468 (George W. Jordan, III, et al., eds., Jan. 2009).
- Video Software Dealers Ass’n v. Schwarzenegger: A Rising Ninth Circuit Case on the Constitutionality of States’ Regulation of Minors’ Access to Violent Video Games, 25 Computer & Internet Lawyer 1 (May 2008) (states’ regulation of minors’ access to violent video games).
- What’s Your IQ? – Building Your Information Quotient with Technology-Assisted Due Diligence Can Score You an ‘A+’, 23 E-Commerce Law & Strategy 1 (Feb. 2007).
- Financial Considerations in International Intellectual Property Licensing Transactions, published in: 40 International Lawyer 67-93 (American Bar Association, Spring 2006); Les Nouvelles (Licensing Executives Society International, June 2006); and Computer & Internet Lawyer (Aspen Publishing, Wolters Kluwer, Sept. 2006).
Bar Journal Articles:
All in The Advocate (a publication of the Idaho State Bar).
- The Odyssey: One Woman Attorney’s Journey in Entrepreneurship, 51 Advocate 25 (Feb. 2008).
- Issue-Spotting for Web Sites, 51 Advocate 11 (Jan. 2008);
- The Law of Electronic Contracts: The New United Nations Convention, 50 Advocate 40 (Sept. 2007);
- Due Diligence in Business Transactions, 49 Advocate 18 (Oct. 2006); and
- Intellectual Property Licensing: More Pervasive than You Might Imagine, 48 Advocate 18 (June 2005).
- Internet Fraud: Federal Trade Commission Prosecutions of Online Conduct, 23 Communications & The Law 55 (2001);
- Access to Pharmaceuticals Under Medicaid Managed Care: Federal Law Compiled and State Contracts Compared, 55 Food & Drug L.J. 449 (2000); and
- FDA Regulation of Internet Pharmaceutical Communications: Strategies for Improvement, 55 Food & Drug L.J. 269 (2000).