A number of recent publications and reports have highlighted our innovation economy. Below is a start at compiling statistics contained in these reports. As the numbers show, Idaho presents opportunities for innovators and for those who work to promote innovation-focused economic development in the state.
#1 in Patents Per Capita
#1 in Manufacturing Investment
#3 in Energy Costs
#5 in Long-Term Employment Growth
#5 in Net Migration of Residents
#5 in Renewable Energy Potential
#6 in “Entrepreneurial Energy” (2007 Corporation For Enterprise Development; for more details of the CFED report, please click here.)
#6 in New Company Creation
#8 in Resident Home Ownership
#10 in Households With Computers
From the American Electronics Association's 2008 Cyberstates Report, Idaho ranks:
#6 in semiconductor manufacturing employment (12,100 jobs)
#9 in computer & peripheral equipment manufacturing employment (3700 jobs)
#10 in concentration of technology workers (68 people per 1000 work in the technology industry, compared with Virginia, the state with the highest concentration, at 91 per 1000)
#28 in average high technology wages ($67,200/year, and 107% of average private sector wages)
#32 in high technology payroll ($2.4 billion)
#35 in high technology employment (36,400 people out of 5.9 million nationwide)
#35 in venture capital investment ($16.2 million out of $16.9 billion nationwide)
#35 in spending on research & development ($1 billion)
#39 in number of high technology companies (1800)*
Static numbers, however, don't tell the whole story. Note the changes in the AEA statistics from 2006 to 2007:
Big boost in venture capital investment - Up 977% from a mere $1.5 million**
Flat high technology employment overall - 200 new jobs added.
Semiconductor manufacturing employment - 900 new jobs added.
I have lived in Idaho for 14 years. Layoffs, gas prices, unemployment...I keep hearing all bad things but I look at all the high paying jobs on popular employment sites...
I feel like the stats and the reality dont mesh...there are jobs if poeople know where to look.
Check out the TechBoise blog posting on the recently released stats on tech worker salaries.
Go to http://techboise.com/category/techboise/.
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