
Technology Start-Ups Rejoice! Value-Based Pricing is Here!

We interact with innovators of all types and across many different industries from agribusiness to high tech. It's engaging and inspiring work! We especially enjoy partnering with technology start-ups and mentoring them on their paths to success. After all, we're entrepreneurs, too.

The road less traveled can be rocky for technology start-ups, however. Major hurdles arise often because they avoid engaging attorneys up-front for fear of high and unpredictable legal fees.

This means that start-ups often come to us with thorny legal problems to solve. These problems often could have been avoided had they engaged us as Partners early on. Under the traditional billable-hour approach to legal fees, attempts to resolve those thorny problems can become significant financial burdens to start-ups. Not a pretty picture!

To make partnership with Technology Law Group more accessible for start-ups and to help our clients prevent problems from arising in the first place, we will begin offering fixed-fee Value-Based Pricing for key intellectual property and Internet legal services that are especially important for start-ups.

Please check out our Idaho Business Review announcement tomorrow, June 23rd, and contact us at 208.939.4472 or info@technologylawgroup.com. Let us know what you think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
