
Licensing Software in a Global Market

Last week, I presented at ACI's 14th annual software licensing conference on this topic of international licensing.

My very knowledgeable co-presenters on the panel talked about licensing in India and in China. Both jurisdictions have licensing limitations and software royalties and other treatments and rules that are important to know before you enter an agreement.

For more on licensing in India and China, please contact me at 208.939.4472 or eloza@TechnologyLawGroup.com.

My presentation focused on three key cross-jurisdictional points:

1. The tactical advantages and uses of STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE in the negotiation and ongoing compliance and enforcement work for licensing agreements;

2. The GLOBAL HARMONIZATION OF LICENSING TERMS for greater efficiencies in terms of legal fees and contract management; and

3. The maximization of "home-bound" income using TAX TREATY-OPTIMIZED TERMS.

I'll spend the next several blog posts drilling down on these topics and telling some interesting "war stories" to illustrate them.

If you'd like to have a copy of my presentation or to discuss any topic in detail, please contact me using the information provided above.

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